
At Coditation, we specialize in developing sophisticated martech solutions that enhance marketing automation and analytics, enabling brands to achieve remarkable engagement and measurable results. Our decade-long experience helps you capitalize on every customer interaction.

Delve into our martech case studies to discover how our innovative solutions optimize marketing efforts and drive superior ROI. Coditation stands ready to transform your marketing challenges into competitive advantages.

Product Built
Customer churn and revenue
prediction platform
AI powered video analytics
and content brief generation
Multi-channel Ad segment
creation and optimization tool
Enterprise customer data
platform (CDP)
Marketing insights platform with
over 3000 pre-built connectors
Marketing middleware for cookie-less
capture and shipping of
atomic digital marketing data
Low complexity professional
Video creation, editing, and
publishing platform
Advertising operations and
process automation
Business processes / workflows: Ads - programmatic, platform, native; Ad lifecycle, marketing agency - print, media, and digital - business processes, churn management, segmentation, music industry processes and workflows
Big Data (Petabyte Scale)
MLOps & DevOps
Identity Resolution
Video Rendering at Scale

Boosting Fintech Onboarding Conversion Rates Using Account Aggregator

We improved the onboarding process for our fintech services by introducing the Account Aggregator framework. This streamlined bank account verification, reducing the time from 10-15 minutes to just 30 seconds. By eliminating the need for manual document uploads, we reduced user drop-offs and improved conversion rates. Additionally, this framework minimized the risk of fraud through fake documents, enhancing user experience and boosting our overall performance."